Mihi Hetekia and her husband Rawiri Karaha are buried in Block F. The photo is from 1971, and unfortunately the headstones are no longer there. Mihi was a daughter of Hetekia Haronga and a grand-daughter of Tamai Hiki Te Rangi, father of Hireni Te Kani. Her first husband was Hetekia and after his death she married Karaha. Throughout her lifetime Mrs. Karaha was recognised as a rangatira, and local people invariably looked to her for advice and guidance.
Click the link to view a document which includes brief sketches of the life stories of some of the people who are buried in Block F. The document is being added to constantly, and any contributions are very welcome.
The plots are listed in numerical order, but an easy way to find a name, the plot reference, or an event, is - after downloading the document, open it and use the function "Ctrl f". (Hold down the Ctrl key while you press "f".) This will open a "find" window where you can type in a search word.
